Monday, November 28, 2005

Primal Scorch

suddenly one day,
you wake up to a freefall
through scratched skies
splattered by anarchaic clouds
shapeshifting to the
crimes of your mind.

And you land in the
repulsion of free colours-
the once verdure pasture,
now a bleeding harvest
of black and sighing flowers
that bloom out of sympathy.

Your heart screams
in this bleak wilderness of
your stampeded mind-
speaking a language
too foreign to your
sinking consciousness.

While you get shoved
into the reality that what you have been feeling all this while,
are conditioned lies,
brewed by bent education
and betrayed sentiments.


Anonymous said...

hey, what's up? The snow caused you to be in a reflective (i.e. bleak) mood? Heh, know that you're missed dearly!! =)

eth said...

hey! it's no wonder edinburgh/scotland produces literary giants like sir walter scott and the likes. something in the air..

but i'm alright, just felt like writing something, hope it didn't ring any alarms.=) just enjoy the literary beauty of my dysfunctional mental

Anonymous said...

hiak hiak..

jus think of nice archangels flying around

eth said...

they might just well be figments of bored, over-imaginative minds with too much creative space to spare.

but i'll try nonetheless.

Anonymous said...

glad to see you exercising your creativity while gazing at beautiful landscapes!! do keep up with this.. bleak and soulful moods do produce some devestatingly good literary works! *beams* miss ya dude !! -grace